Wednesday, September 11, 2013

last but not least...

ah, yes. classic dylan. just now finishing my blog.

i had an amazing trip. every time i think about it, part of me doesnt believe it happened. i learned so much, not just about culture, people, and history, but about myself.

and now that i've gotten the obligatory "this trip changed my life" statement out of the way...

PARIS! with JAYME and KATE! it was really great. by that point in the trip, i was so exhausted, so not too many pictures. we had fun getting chinese and playing cards, going to the louvre (too big), the eiffel tower (still amazing), champs elyseƩs and the museeƩ d'orsay. here are pictures I KNOW YOU'RE ALL DYING TO LOOK AT THEM.

playing "which entrance" at the louvre


more old things.

"it's like from that movie angels and demons... wait"

it was actually really cool to see this

so beautiful


tired/ excited/ angry at the bright lights on the boats 







as you remember, gold shiny things.

ok, probably bye forever! thanks for reading!!!!!! 

Sunday, August 25, 2013


WOOF. i am leaving london today! sorry about the delay in posts. . .

i have fell in love with this city while i've been here. i've been more social than usual - staying with a friend of a friend (hi paul!) and my old housemate, alexis (hey girl!), was in town randomly too. so, not as much sightseeing as the other places, but definitely enough. and i need to save some for when i move here next year.......

my trip here was great - thursday night was a chill night in just relaxing and getting ready.

friday : i had a lunch meeting with pamela lidiard, who is in charge of piano studies here at the guildhall school of music. the school seems amazing - closely associated to all things musical: royal opera house, lso, barbican centre, etc... i would love to join the student community! seems very welcoming and inspiring.

 the rest has been parties, eating, sleeping, sightseeing. here's some photos!

cute kitty i'm staying with!!
a train station

st. pauls!

another church

market - there are tons here!

ship near the thames

old and new

the actual london bridge

another indoor market

tower bridge from afar

tower of london across the thames

crazy buildings

weird color scheme, right?


look how old and cool!

that spire on the right is ALL GLASS.

tower of london

tower of london

another view of tower of london
 if you hadn't noticed, it was RAINING. alexis, betsey, and i were getting really wet - so we decided to go to the saatchi gallery. highly recommended!!!

they had a paper exhibit -
this was done with pen and graphite


a huge face made out of paper

a rock

ok, so the bottom half of this is OIL. it reflects the ceiling blahblah. 

paper roses

paper origami hanging thing

these were hanging from the ceiling!

then they had an exhibit on new british designers/artists

new best friend
alexis' new hair style

alexis' new boyfriend



the only view of buckingham palace

it was RAINING.
other things i did that i didnt take pictures of :
  • the tate museum - amazing collection of art
  • westminster abbey
  • millenium bridge
  • inside st. pauls
so, london is amazing - very much a metropolis, but the arts are so alive here! i can feel that everyone appreciates culture so much more over here. it's pretty much the perfect city...

off to paris for three days with two best friends, jayme and kate!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

then. flying. home. wednesday.

see you soon everyone!
